Town Musicians in Roskilde


Roskilde is a university city about 30 kilometres west of Copenhagen and many may know of it for its magnificent 12th century cathedral, which is the burial place of the Danish royal family, or for its splendid Viking Ship Museum or its amazing annual music festival. Roskilde is also the homeplace of Rune Tonsgaard Sørensen from the band and it was in Roskilde he began his formation as a musician. So it is a cause of particular pleasure for us in Dreamers’ Circus to have been appointed “Stadsmusikanter” in Roskilde for a period of three years starting in January 2021. Stadsmusikanter translates literally as ‘town musicians,’ others may see it as a type of ‘artist in residence’ position. Either way, we’re honoured and delighted to be invited to be involved in this initiative. As far back as 1669 Roskilde engaged ‘town musicians’ so we’re not the first…

Much of the impetus that drove the re-kindling of interest in Danish folk music and dance came from people and organisations who were based in the Roskilde region and we are very conscious of the work they have done, and continue to do. We’re very much looking forward to engaging with a range of musicians, dancers, singers and creative people in Roskilde over the next three years. Ideas and suggestions for collaborations or ways in which people from the region might like to engage with Dreamers’ Circus are welcome.


DMA Roots 2020 blev en fantastisk aften for Dreamers' Circus


Appointed Special Ensemble