Jul 2021 & Nytår 2022
Til vinter spreder det danske folk-band Dreamers’ Circus musikmagi over hele landet. Den 8.-18. december 2021 tager trioen på deres hidtil største juleturné, Xmas Tour 2021. Her får de fornemt selskab af sanger Hannah Schneider og fortællelegende, tv-vært og journalist Søren Ryge på scenen. Når årstallet skifter til 2022, kan bandet desuden opleves på nytårsturné i samspil og -klang med et af landets førende symfoniorkestre, Copenhagen Phil.
Og vinderne er..
Vinderne af Carl Prisen 2021 blev afsløret i dag ved et stort event i festsalen på Axelborg.
Nordic Folk Festival
We are proud to announce the very first Nordic Folk Festival, located in Northern Denmark on the small island of Livø in the Limfjord as well as in Vitskøl Abbey between July 2nd-4th July 2021.
DMA Roots 2020 blev en fantastisk aften for Dreamers' Circus
Trioen Dreamers' Circus blev i stor stil hædret for 2020-udgivelsen Blue White Gold, da de i aftes kunne gå hjem med hele tre ud af syv priser ved DMA Roots. Prisfesten løb af stablen i Amager Bio og bød, trods corona-restriktioner, på fantastisk stemning, lækker live-musik og masser af hædring af det, det hele drejer sig om - musikken og dens rødder.
Town Musicians in Roskilde
It is a cause of particular pleasure for us in Dreamers’ Circus to have been appointed “Stadsmusikanter” in Roskilde for a period of three years starting in January 2021. Stadsmusikanter translates literally as ‘town musicians,’ others may see it as a type of ‘artist in residence’ position.
Appointed Special Ensemble
In late 2019 Dreamers’ Circus were asked by the Danish Arts Foundation to submit an application for their Special Ensemble funding strand. As a result, Dreamers’ Circus, along with two other musical adventurists, the band, Efterklang, and the musician, Lars Greve, were appointed as Special Ensembles for three years beginning in January 2021.
Dreamers’ Circus X-mas 2020
I år bliver Dreamers’ Circus’ julekoncerter i lige så høj grad en hyldest til de kolde måneder når vi i samspil med sanger Hannah Schneider og fortællelegende Søren Ryge tager jer med på en vinterrejse med inspiration fra Schuberts sangcyklus af samme navn.
Smuk balancegang mellem det lette og det vemodige
Musikken er melodisk, smuk, dragende. Tag nogle numre som ”North of Trondheim”, ”The World Was Waiting” og ”Bridge of Tears” – og du vil bemærke, at de alle er et forunderligt miks af noget opløftende og let på den ene side og noget tungt og vemodigt på den anden. Og som noget nyt, i tilfældet Dreamers' Circus, så er to af numrene traditionelle viser fra henholdsvis Norge og Færøerne.
New North American representation
Dreamers' Circus Joins Kirshbaum Associates
The Danish/Swedish roots trio Dreamers’ Circus stands at the forefront of Nordic folk music. Since coming together in 2009, Nikolaj Busk (piano and accordion), Ale Carr (Nordic cittern), and Rune Tonsgaard Sørensen (violin, also of the Danish String Quartet) have shared their innovative blend of contemporary and traditional folk with thousands throughout Europe, Japan, Australia, and the United States.
The World Was waiting
The idea for this video came about when the corona pandemic was taking over the planet. We wanted to invite people from all over the world whistle the tune with us in the hope that it would create positivism and smiles in this challenging times.
Dreamers' Circus Releases Fourth Studio Album
Among the leaders in taking the new nordic music brand to a wider world the Danish/Swedish roots trio, Dreamers’ Circus, have been threatening an international breakthrough following extensive touring in the USA, Europe and Japan over recent times. Marking a ten year anniversary with the release of their fourth album, Blue White Gold they continue to open ears and are well set to solidify a growing international reputation.
Dreamers’ Circus US Tour 2020
We’re very much looking forward to be back in the US again, going to a couple of new states and also revisiting some from last year. Hope to see you out there!
Talentfuld trio udløste en regn af julegodter
Er de for poppede? Er de for dygtige? Balancerer de ikke lige på kanten af det selvfede? Jeg synes ingen af delene. Men jeg forstår udmærket, hvorfor folk kan finde på at sige den slags om folkemusiktrioen Dreamers’ Circus.
Winter shows
Looking forward to play music in some of the most magical months of the year. Don’t miss our annual X-mas shows, featuring the incredible light designer Jonas Bøgh.
Back to Japan
We are very much looking forward to go back to Japan. This time we’ll also make some recordings with the iconic game music composer Yasunori Mitsuda.
We celebrate our 10 year anniversary with a single-day festival in the middle of Copenhagen. All of the bands perform for free, and all proceeds goes to FOLKAMOK and their important work for presenting traditional music.
Pelle the Conqueror Theatre Show Premiere
The stage is set, and the premiere of Pelle Erobreren at Østre Gasværk Teater is just a few days away. The whole team is excellent and we have had the pleasure of writing music for the show.
Trip to the Faroe Islands
We had the most amazing trip to Faroe Islands with the Danish TV celebrity Søren Ryge Petersen.